There’s a lot of talk and attention paid to fish oils and omega 3’s, and though I believe in omega 3 supplementation in our diet today, I feel there is a lot of misinformation about them. Below are 3 reasons why I choose plant based omega 3’s which also clarify some of the misunderstandings about omega 3’s.
今時今日有大量學說都圍繞著魚油及奧米加3,在這方面,雖然我深信奧米加3的健康益處,但卻非常懷疑這些學說的可信程度。而以下就是我為何選擇植物性奧米 加3的三大原因,亦會導出大部份人對奧米加3的一些誤解。
1. They are ESSENTIAL
you get from seed omegas are alpha-lionlenic acid (ALA). ALA is then
converted into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenonic acid
(DHA) in the body. As important as EPA and DHA are, ALA is just as
important, benefiting the cardiovascular, immune system and acting as an
anti-inflammatory. Omega 3’s from fish miss out on the ALA which is
actually the only essential omega 3 fatty acid since it can convert to
EPA and DHA. The key then is to get enough of the parent omega 3- ALA.
2. They are more STABLE
omega-3s found in fish oils (EPA and DHA) are actually highly unstable
molecules that tend to decompose and unleash dangerous free radicals,
making these supplements an unfavorable option. To give you an idea of
how sensitive omega 3’s are, omega 3’s are five times more sensitive
than omega 6, while fish omega 3s are five times more sensitive than
seed omega 3’s. And just to give you a comparison, fish oils are 320x
more sensitive than olive oil (which we all know should only be used on
salads and light baking).
85% of our global fish stocks are over-exploited, depleted or
recovering from depletion. And in the end, even if it is from a
‘sustainable’ source my question is why harm the fish and create massive
problems for our food chain and environment when there are sustainable
sources of omega 3 in plants like flax, chia, walnuts and hemp.
note: if you need extra DHA (e.g pregnant women, growing children,
elderly), then you can look to algae sources of DHA.
1. 植物性奧米加3是不可缺少
2. 植物性奧米加3更穩定
由魚油攝取到的奧米加3(包括EPA及DHA),當中的細胞分子其實非常不穩定,為什麼呢?在分解的過程中,它們會釋出有害的自由基,所以服用魚油並非明智 的選擇。可能你還未完全明白,或者這樣說,本身奧米加3已經比奧米加6,不穩定性高出5倍;而魚油奧米加3亦比植物性的不穩定性高出5倍。如跟橄欖油比 較,魚油比橄欖油不穩定性高出320倍。
3. 為了讓我們的生態能持續地發展
順道提一提: 個別人仕是需要額外補充DHA,如孕婦、發育中的兒童及青少年、長者等,他們可選擇由海藻提取的DHA。
1. 植物性奧米加3是不可缺少
2. 植物性奧米加3更穩定
由魚油攝取到的奧米加3(包括EPA及DHA),當中的細胞分子其實非常不穩定,為什麼呢?在分解的過程中,它們會釋出有害的自由基,所以服用魚油並非明智 的選擇。可能你還未完全明白,或者這樣說,本身奧米加3已經比奧米加6,不穩定性高出5倍;而魚油奧米加3亦比植物性的不穩定性高出5倍。如跟橄欖油比 較,魚油比橄欖油不穩定性高出320倍。
3. 為了讓我們的生態能持續地發展
順道提一提: 個別人仕是需要額外補充DHA,如孕婦、發育中的兒童及青少年、長者等,他們可選擇由海藻提取的DHA。
Source: Health News from Food for Life - Vol.4 - Apr-2015